Analyse log files

The program is at work constantly writes exchange log. The log files have the extension *.bin .
When finished engine diagnostics you can translate these logs to a text view (if available ecu.dat), for this you need to select the menu "File" => "Parsing logs".
These text files can be seen with the eyes, but it is very inconvenient.
Program was written, which shows graphically the text logs, and you can choose to display a list of options, and can also disable\enable displaying the selected parameter.
Because All parameters are displayed in the same coordinate system that provides conversion of values ​​into a single grid coordinates.
The program allows you to create multiple masks view, for example I'm in my work I use the mask "HFM common" displaying the parameters responsible for the composition of the mixture (speed, throttle angle, MAF, the signal lambda correction for lambda, the statuses of the IDLE and others), but it can do other masks which monitor other parameters.

When you first start the program loads the mask default view, which can then change.

Download program HfmChart may by link.

Why is all this necessary?
You can do a test of the engine and analyze it home safely.
Just the presence of LPG can do a test drive in different modes (40 km\h, 60 km\h, 90km \ h, 120 km\h) on both fuels (to be 2 log files) and compare the performance of the motor home and understand in what conditions is deviations in dosing LPG. Thereafter adjust the equipment.

See also:

OBD diagnose for Mercedes